I am a Master Reiki  practitioner and certified in holistic and spiritual practices such as Akashic Record Readings and Family Constellations. My journey began with a profound inner child and ancestral healing experience.

Guided by the wisdom of my spirit guides and ancestors, and through nurturing my inner child, I received a divine vision to share my expertise and gifts with the collective.

My personal quest for spiritual harmony fuels my passion to assist clients in achieving emotional, spiritual, and physical balance. I am committed to contributing positively to the collective consciousness.

As an empathic intermediary, my mission is to facilitate messages of love, reconciliation, and healing between your inner being, your light beings, and loved ones. Drawing from my own healing journey, I connect deeply with clients to guide them towards holistic wellness and spiritual growth.

I am passionate about integrating the energy of your ancestors into our sessions, as they are part of us. Accepting them as they are or were will help you begin your journey of spiritual and physical healing.

Let's embark on a transformative journey together at 'Your Sacred Corner'. Discover healing, embrace balance, and awaken your inner harmony.

Hi, I'm Cecilia!